CUBE MEET MF acoustic boxes

CUBE MEET MF acoustic boxes

A discreet meeting room, a comfortable place for meetings, brainstorming or project work

  • Designed for 4 persons.
  • A sandwich panel with acoustic filling creates a completely silent place inside the box.
  • The light and the system of 5 silent fans which ensure continuous exchange of air inside the box are activated upon entering.
  • The basic equipment includes a desk and an outlet connection panel with an electrical outlet, a USB charger and a LAN connector. An upholstered couch is an optional equipment.
  • A wide offer of decoration material allows you to create a box designed exactly according to your requirements.

Detail CUBE MEET MF Contact form

CUBE MEET MF acoustic boxes
CUBE MEET catalog sheet

CUBE MEET catalog sheet

PDF | 571 kB


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